Message #2684

From: Philip Strimpel <>
Subject: Re: [MC4D] About me
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 18:18:59 -0700

Hello Melinda,
Many thanks for the kind welcome! :) What version of the 24 cell would you like me to solve? There are quite a few! Also, I don’t know if it is because my computer is two slow or not, but I can’t seem to understand how to twist anything besides 3^4 and 120 cell. I would really enjoy attempting some of the 5 and 6d puzzles. My computer is waaay too slow to even try the 600 cell though. :( Now THAT would be awesome to solve! Maybe even a 120 cell pentultimate would be an idea for a future 4d puzzle! :• I am curious though… How come there can’t be a 5d dodecahedron? I know it would probably have hundreds or thousands of cells to it, but does nobody know of it because it would be too big to comprehend, or is it really virtually and physically impossible? Has anybody else thought of this? Just something to bring to the table…

Best regards, <br>   Philip