Message #741
From: romanbednarek <>
Subject: Few small additions to the MC4D java program
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 18:28:58 -0000
I am a new enthusiast of 4D cube, not able to solve it yet, but still trying.
It is great that you made the program open source, so being a java programmer I could made some changes which could help beginners.
Here is a short list:
- property files (mc4d.props) were saved to the desktop, I changed the
location to user home directory - reset cube position after pressing "Allow Spin Dragging", to the default
position, I often could not resturn the cube to the position I wanted - cube rotation possibilities (Ctrl-click) were limited only to one possibility, I unlocked rotations after Ctrl-click on central cube
- backup log files while saving (you can guess why I noticed it is so needed :-) )
- this one displays highlighted cubies separately, it is probably helpfull only for the beginnners, when it is not easy to find a cubie. It does not display cubies from 8th face, and I guess I will not be able to finish it.
I have uploaded a jar file (with sources of course) so it is easy to see the modifications in action. You can use all or some of the changes in official version if you think they are useful.
Thanks for the great, well written, program.