Message #4143

From: Melinda Green <>
Subject: Re: [MC4D] A program I made [1 Attachment]
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2018 18:53:42 -0700

Hello Luna,

It definitely works! The incredible Andrey once made a 5D maze. I can try to set you up with that if you (or anyone else) write me privately because the source has not been cleaned up for publication yet.

Your level 2 puzzle is interesting because it really does feel like groping around in the dark. It’s as if I’m seeing two different shades of pure black, if that makes any sense. It is a much more interesting experience than I imagined, and could indeed be an excellent task for improving one’s geometric memory.

Very nice!

On 9/17/2018 12:14 PM, Luna Harran [4D_Cubing] wrote:
> [Attachment(s) <#TopText> from Luna Harran included below]
> Here is a second version of the program, including up to 4D mazes, with customisable sizes. 3 and 4d movement is on WSAD, and # represents a higher dimensional ‘ladder’ where 3 and 4d movement is allowed. This version should be more interesting and more fun. Let me know your thoughts.
> ~Luna
> On Fri, 7 Sep 2018 at 23:19, Luna Harran <> [4D_Cubing] < <>> wrote:
> [Attachment(s) <#m_1284412511072541695_TopText> from Luna Harran included below]
> Hey everyone,
> This isn’t really related to twisty puzzles, but this seemed like the sort of group who would be interested in something like this.
> As part of my Computer Science A Level, I have to produce a program as a project. What I am making is a maze program, where either the maze or your player can be invisible. This is for training your mental mapping skills, as well as your logical thinking.
> I am planning to add 3D, and even 4D (and beyond?) mazes in the future, although the current version is boring old 2D.
> I have included the current working version as an attachment. (Rename it from .stuff to .exe to run it, gmail blocks ..exes as attachments.) Movement is on arrow keys, with the player character as ‘@’ and the goal as ‘X’. Be careful with big mazes, if the console window is too small, it will sometimes crash. Level 1 is a standard maze, 2 a sort of spotlight, 3 invisible player and 4 invisible maze. I’ve used some more exotic characters for walls, so if you see any question marks, they’re just walls, and probably half-length box characters..
> Hopefully someone finds this interesting.
> ~Luna