Message #3771

Subject: New Member # 332 Josh Vincent
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2017 06:45:42 +0000

Hi! My name is Josh Vincent, and I’m a software developer from the USA. I just completed a solve of the 3^4 on a live stream tonight.

I found the puzzle through the Mathologer videos and decided to give it a shot. I used his technique for developing algorithms and macros, so my solve was over 3k twists :P
I have been solving the Rubik’s Cube for about 2 years now, and have a modest collection. In addition to cubing, I enjoy reading, gaming (tabletop and PC), and paddle boarding on a nearby lake.

I am considering a 4^4 solve next, but I may wait a bit before giving it a go.

Thanks to Don, Melinda, Jay, and Roice for developing such an awesome puzzle!
