Message #3606

Subject: Re: MagicTile Solving
Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2017 22:26:13 -0800

Wow, Roice, over 1000 now! Crazy! I feel like genus is not as relevant to a solver as the Schlafli number; for instance {8,3} 12-Color (chi = -4) and 24-Color (chi = -8) have very similar or identical solving methods and piece types. But maybe you can find a way to sort the types of puzzles that takes this into account… Note that the Hyperbolic section has many more sub-headings, but also many more puzzles - a few versions ago it was 366/856 or 42%.

Well, comparing the 2017-01-01 version (913 puzzles) to 2016-11-05 (856 puzzles), there were 57 new puzzles. I have solved 51 of them so far :) I also did 2 more 4D Skew Polyhedra, but I probably won’t continue with those until I’ve done more of the new puzzles. Here goes…

Hemi-Dodecahedron E0:1.02:0 - 204 twists

{3,6} 6-Color:
F0:0:1 - 89 twists
E0:1:0 - 26 twists
E1:0:0 - 132 twists
V0:0:1 - 20 twists
V1.33:0:0 - 64 twists
F0:1:0 V1:0:0 - 40 twists
E0:1:0 V0:0:1 - 170 twists

{6,3} 6-Color:
F0:0:1 - 69 twists
F0.67:0:1 - 130 twists
F0.4:0:1 F0.8:0:1 - 535 twists
F0.3:0:1 F0.6:0:1 F0.9:0:1 - 1102 twists
E1:0:0 - 50 twists
E0:1:0 - 220 twists
E2:0:0 - 1226 twists
V1.5:0:0 - 45 twists
V0:0:1 - 118 twists
F1:0:0 E1:0:0 - 148 twists
F0:1:0 V1:0:0 - 75 twists
E1:0:0 V1:0:0 - 196 twists
E0:1:0 V0:0:1 - 1098 twists
F-1:0:1 E1:0:0 V1:0:0 - 258 twists

{3,6} 4-Color:
F0:0:1 - 16 twists
E0:1:0 - 16 twists
E1:0:0 - 32 twists
V0:0:1 - 16 twists
V1.33:0:0 - 24 twists
F0:1:0 V1:0:0 - 16 twists
E0:1:0 V0:0:1 - 57 twists

{4,4} 5-Color Orbifold:
F0:0:1 - 27 twists
E0:1:0 - 30 twists
V0:0:1 - 18 twists
F0:1:0 V1:0:0 - 31 twists
E0:1:0 V0:0:1 - 344 twists
F0.7:0:0 E0.7:0:0 V0.7:0:0 - 96 twists
F0:1:0 E1:0:0 V1:0:0 - 323 twists

{4,4} 9-Color Orbifold:
F0:0:1 - 77 twists
E0:1:0 - 96 twists
V0:0:1 - 86 twists
V0:0:1.15 - 294 twists
V2:0:0 - 264 twists
F0:1:0 V1:0:0 - 90 twists
E0:1:0 V0:0:1 - 673 twists
F0.7:0:0 E0.7:0:0 V0.7:0:0 - 334 twists
F0:1:0 E1:0:0 V1:0:0 - 952 twists

{4,12} 12-Color V0:0:0.8 V0:0:1 - 96 twists

{5,5} 12-Color:
F1:0:0 F0:0:1 - 984 twists
E1.26:0:0 - 2278 twists
E0.7:0:0 E0.8:0:0 - 422 twists
E0.5:0:0 E1.26:0:0 - 3502 twists
E0.7:0:0 E0.8:0:0 V0.7:0:0 V0.8:0:0 - 2990 twists

{4,6|3} 30-Color F0:0:1 - 780 twists
{4,6|3} 30-Color V0:2:0 - 1380 twists
