Message #2026

From: Roice Nelson <>
Subject: More IRPs and slicemasks for MagicTile
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2012 13:09:47 -0600

Hi all,

I’ve added a number of new IRP puzzles and tilings from Melinda’s
Here are the new twisty IRPs (links are to screenshots):

There are additional tiling-only IRPs as well, which couldn’t be turned
into puzzles yet for various reasons.

Also, I added in the slicemask support requested by Nan, which will improve
interaction for the spherical puzzles. During my testing, I made the
following new puzzles with multiple slices for a single element type.

Except for the {7,3}s just added, there are no Euclidean/Hyperbolic puzzles
that have multiple slices. The engine supports it now - they just need to
be configured.

As usual, the download is
Please let me know if you see any issues. I will updated the solutions
page to list the new puzzles today or tomorrow (no worries Ed and Nan, I
can do this without overwriting your existing entries).

I’m ready for some downtime, so it will be a while before I go on a puzzle
setup binge again. If anyone is interested to help create these though,
let me know. It’s an ‘advanced user’ kind of thing, requiring editing
files by hand, but I’d be happy to have others participate at this point if
they wanted. I know there are many elegant puzzles out there I would not
come across on my own.

Cheers from a rainy Austin,