Message #757

From: David Smith <>
Subject: MC4D 4.0 is really fantastic!
Date: Mon, 02 Nov 2009 02:38:34 -0800

Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven’t chimed in until now!  I would like to thank and congratulate Melinda, Don, Jay, and Roice for their hard work and efforts in getting the beta out to us!  As a novice programmer (and I mean extremely novice), I can appreciate how much work you all put into this.  I would also like to congratulate Chris, Remi, Anthony, Roice, and Melinda for their solving accomplishments.  I’m not the type of person to offer suggestions or improvements to others’ work, which is probably a bad thing.  But I would be happy to help with the piece-counting efforts if that is still needed.

Also, thanks to Roice for your wonderful essay!  It has been a lot of fun to be a member of this community and read about all of your experiences and contributions.  I know I have not been much of an active member, only presenting my obscure mathematical results here and there, and for that I apologize.  Such results are not of much use to the community, and definitely not as helpful or important as everyone else’s contributions regarding MC4D 4.0.

Anyway, sorry I can’t provide any experiences with the new program, as I have not tried to solve the puzzles.  I respect everyone else very much for their efforts in supporting the new program.  Congratulations again to Melinda, Don, Jay, and Roice, and to everyone else who has successfully solved the puzzles.

Best wishes,