Message #249

From: Denny <>
Subject: [MC4D] More 5D Cubes?
Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 09:48:04 +0200


I have to say, that the 3^5 makes my head almost explode… But I think
it will cost me a lot of time… :-/ Stuff it, lets twist some brain :-D
Back to what I want to say… In the first versions of the 5D-Cube there
were "all" Cubes implemented (2^5, 3^5, 4^5 and 5^5) and I ask me where
they are now? Maybe it is not so easy to implement them with the
twisting but it would be really nice if you do so. :-)
For the rest of the programm you get my very full respect, really
great!!! Fantastic Job Roice and Charlie!

Thank you very much,

Your Denny