Message #3881

From: Melinda Green <>
Subject: I finally publicly announced the physical 2x2x2x2
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2017 17:57:14 -0800

I just uploaded a public YouTube video for it here:

I’m even tickled that "4D" sort of ended up in the URL. I also created a minimal home page <> for the project with instructions on buying them, and posted a reddit announcement in the r/cubing subreddit here <>. I have an account on the Twisty Puzzles forum, but I’ve not posted anything there and am a little exhausted, so if one of you would like to announce it there, please feel free to do that. Otherwise I’ll do it eventually.

It was a lot of work to script and practice for the video. I’m just not very good at this stuff so it took me a great many tries, including a lot of attempts that failed for just about every possible reason. Eventually I got a take that I thought was OK. I’m still embarrassed at parts and would change a lot if it were easy, but I figured that "good enough" is more than good enough, especially considering how long I had been dragging this out.

Thank you all for your invaluable help and patience in keeping the project semi-secret. Now that I’ve put it out there publicly, please feel free to share it as widely as you like.

Happy puzzling!