Message #3741

From: Melinda Green <>
Subject: Re: [MC4D] 234th solver
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2017 15:08:16 -0700

Hello Mannessah Kani,

A seven second 3^3 solve is incredible! To do that, I’m guessing you must be involved in some speedsolving communities, right? I’ll be curious to hear how they react when you describe your latest accomplishment. Hopefully you can convince some of them to try the 4D cube.

I had never heard of osu! until that community staked out a rather large area of reddit’s r/place April Fools stunt. For those who don’t know, it was an event that lasted 3 days in which the community painted a shared 1000x1000 image in which everyone was allowed to only color one pixel every 5 minutes. Your area at the bottom center was one of the most bitter fights, so you must have a very passionate community. Here is a timelapse video of the whole thing: Overall it was a giant mess so I wouldn’t call it art but it was definitely a fascinating social experiment. I placed about 2 pixels myself.

Matt Parker’s video is excellent. It may have been mentioned here before, but here it is for reference:

Happy puzzling!

On 6/30/2017 3:58 AM, [4D_Cubing] wrote:
> My name is Mannessah Kani, I am 14 years old. I live in Melbourne, Australia and am home schooled.
> I speedcube (pb for 3^3 is 7.08), play osu! and Tetris.
> I first heard about MC4D from a talk by Matt Parker.
> I started solving by just doing one piece, and then two, and then four and before I knew it I had solved the entire first two layers, so I thought I might as well solve the rest at that point.
> As of writing this I’m attempting to solve a 4^4 and centers and 2c pairing are surprisingly easy.
> I just found out that what I used to permute 3cs of the last cell is actually RKT and I didn’t even realise it.
> I’d like to get into speedsolving the 3^4 and I’ll probably use the last cell method described in the cfop method from the wiki and use pure block building for the rest.