Message #3668

From: Melinda Green <>
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: Create hypercubing subreddit?
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2017 13:36:09 -0800

I have the same feelings. It’s a great idea though we mainly need to consider the interaction with r/cubers. As Liam mentioned, it would be good to have a place for discussing things they wouldn’t be interested in, however some of our announcements definitely belong in r/cubers. They are not limited to physical puzzles even if that’s their bias. We could cross post those as needed though that splits topic discussions between the two posts. Someone can certainly create the sub and let it be OK if it doesn’t get a lot of posts. Once nice thing about it is that it solves the problem of image attachments, at least when a single image will do.

For those unfamiliar with reddit, it’s a discussion board broken into thousands of top-level categories called "subreddits" or "subs", and within each category, posts and comments within posts get voted up and down so that the best content tends to drift towards the top for easy reading. The cubing community is found here: So the first question is whether we would we be Hypercubing or Hypercubers. The next question is whether this should be our new home. The other options are Google (groups, Google+, or Hangouts), Facebook, Tumblr, others. Here’s one discussion comparing Google+ with reddit <>. I don’t use Facebook and am reluctant to join, but I recognize it’s enormity. Reddit has been around for a long time and I like it a lot, especially recently. It’s easy to use though it’s a little confusing at first and the generally anonymous culture may be a bit odd for us. It doesn’t
require an account to read, just to post or comment, and joining only requires an email address. It’s well implemented and allows for people to easily discover new interests.

I’d love to hear other people’s thoughts on the subject. Are there platforms where we could even move all of our previous discussion archives with us? Are there platforms you would /not /join if we moved to them? I would not want to leave anyone behind. Of course we don’t need to make any decisions right now, and when it’s not necessary to make a decision, it’s necessary to /not /make a decision! :-)


On 2/26/2017 10:11 AM, [4D_Cubing] wrote:
> Evening,
> I think that creating a subreddit could be a good idea. I feel this group is more geared towards discussion, while a subreddit would be much simpler way of sharing links and other media. Of course, how much hypercubing media there is to share on a subreddit is a different matter, but nobody says a subreddit has to overflow with content.
> Reddit is also a much larger platform than yahoo groups; a subreddit potentially opens up hypercubing to a whole new audience of people who might not be so interested in a more formal group like this, but still want to discuss hypercubing.
> I don’t think that interference with /r/cubers would be an issue. A simple way of combating the issue would be to simply avoid crosspo sting onto /r/cubers. Besides, /r/cubers is more geared towards physical puzzling anyway; content regarding MC4D, MagicTile, and other similar software/ideas doesn’t seem to do too well there.
> Just some thoughts. As I say, I’m in favour, although I fear it might lack content a little.
> -Liam