Message #3666

Subject: Create hypercubing subreddit?
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2017 17:26:16 +0000

Hi all,

I would like to create a subreddit for higher-dimensional puzzles, /r/hypercubers, but I would like to hear some thoughts on the idea first, especially since we already have this Yahoo group.

There’s nothing really like /r/hypercubers yet on Reddit, so posts on these puzzles so far are just scattered all over the place and are probably slightly off-topic at times (e.g. people posting about MC4D in /r/physics?). Making a new subreddit would concentrate them Reddit hypercubers.

There’s /r/cubers but I feel as though most of them are speedcubers so then the occasional 4d post will be seen as off-topic. On /r/hypercubers, posts about MC7D would surely be on-topic.

Anyone with a Reddit account can contribute! The atmosphere there’s also more informal imo…short posts and pictures and one-off threads are good there, whereas here, longer discussions can live on.

If people on /r/hypercubers try linking their threads to /r/cubers to get attention too many times, the subreddit might as well be spamming. Also, the two might as well merge by then.

Interference with this group, though posts from the subreddit can link to threads from here, so that could be a compromise.

These are my thoughts so far.
