Message #3657

From: Jelle Aalberts <>
Subject: Introduction of the 307th solver
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2017 15:39:09 +0100

Hi everyone,

I recently found out about this cube online, and thought "well it can’t be
that hard, can it?", and so I went ahead and tried to solve it. After a few
weeks, I solved it for the first time (with a couple of hours per week spent
on it), using Mathologer’s method involving commutators to solve every piece

I’m an 18-year-old guy from the Netherlands, and I am doing my bachelor in
physics & astronomy at the University of Amsterdam. I developed an interest
in cubing in November 2016, inspired by a friend of mine. I’ve also juggled
for a long time, but unfortunately stopped a few years ago, due to lack of
time. I used to do trampolining, ice skating and competitive tennis, and
have been doing gymnastics for a year now. Besides obviously being
interested in physics and the universe and stuff, I also like maths, though
I don’t really know much about it (relative to probably a bunch of people

About my cubing experience, I semi-regularly do 3x3x3 speedsolves (averaging
around 35 seconds, using CFOP), and have solved the 4x4x4 and 5x5x5 a couple
of times as well. Another thing I like to do is 3BLD, solving a 3x3x3
blindfolded. I enjoy doing this more than just speedsolving, because of the
extra mental challenge. I am really curious to whether anyone has looked
into blindsolving the 3x3x3x3, because I would love to try that as well!

-Jelle Aalberts

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