Message #2866

Subject: Re: [MC4D] RE: MPUltimate 1.5
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2013 14:42:36 -0800

Please find the replies in line.

—In 4D_Cubing@{{emailDomain}}, <melinda@…> wrote:

Hey, I just had a thought. What if clicking anywhere on a cell caused it to completely invert? IOW, reflect through its center. That won’t work for all puzzles, but it should work for a lot. Maybe most.

Do you mean (x, y, z) -> (-x, -y, -z)? That would be an interesting subgroup of reflections. There’s only one move for each cell. And there are only 8 moves on the whole 3^4 because there are only 8 cells. Sounds fun. I hope it’s not trivial to solve.

I’d also like to suggest that that reflectable puzzles not require modifier keys and not include rotations, or at least that those puzzles be distinct from ones that include multiple move types.

You know, two reflections is always a rotation. For example, although Puzzle A allows reflections with respect to the orthogonal planes and 180-deg rotations, the rotations can be derived from the reflections. So essentially Puzzle A only allows those reflection moves. Puzzle B essentially allows all types of reflections on a cube and the rotations derived from it. It’s only a convenience to have some ways to perform rotation.

