Message #2666

From: Andrey <>
Subject: New solves
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 05:42:36 -0000

Hi all!
Today I’ve got a letter from Russell Sherrill (who has already solved 3^4,4^4,5^4 and 3^5 cubes) about his solve of 3^6! He is #5 in the list. Solve took about 175000 twists and about 5 hours. Congratulations!
Funny thing is that last for solves of 3^6 were done exactly every 6 months - in September and March :)

Three hours later I’ve got another letter - from Philip Strimpel (#7 in 120-cell solvers list). He solved the largest MHT633 puzzle - 52 colors! Before that he wrote about a problem with the last corner peice (there was a kind of orientation problem that may be seen in Magic Tiles sometimes) - but solved it in less than one day. Number of twists is more that 5.17 millions and total time of solve is almost 4 months (by timer)! Now Philip is Number One in the list of 52C solvers. Congratulations!

I’m working on the design of some completely different 4D game now. May be, some day…