Message #1298

From: Andrey <>
Subject: Re: [MC4D] 8Colors solved
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 17:36:26 -0000

Thank you for the feedback. I think that the reason of 3-cycle in 8Colors is not in chirality of the pattern, but in the number of 4C in one face: 14 is not a multiple of 3. If you make 120-deg twist of the face, sum of twists of all 4C will be 120*14=-120 deg, and then it’s possible to solve the resulting position by commutators that preserve sum of rotation angles (my way of solving was longer because I haven’t found "pure" 3-cycle of 2C in one face). So I guess that in all puzzles with non-3*k 2Cs in one face (i.e. more than half of puzzles) will have such problem.

For the Poincare ball view I haven’t changed mouse controls, so they behave same way as for real view. I’ll think about changing of left-drag directions.

About other points:

Good luck again!
