Message #1137

From: thesamer <>
Subject: First Hyperspeedcubing Challenge
Date: Sun, 05 Sep 2010 16:15:36 +0200

For the first contest we have to do a little freestyle here and not
discuss it to much.

All competitors should gather at some time on some multiplatform
comunicator and confirm their presens. At some time Melinda uploads the
file with the scamble and moment of pasting the link to its location
triggers the clock. Everybody starts with all macros one wishes to have.
First contest should be the most simplest and shortest. The stress can
easily ruin the whole solve by overwritting the log (and somebody could
give up losing the file just before the end). It is important to get
used to to some own rules of saving files and working on it under the
pressure. It would be nice if everybody could confirm finalizing some
stages through the comunicator along solving (For sure I will type "2C",
"3C", and "Solved" after I’m done with this stages, and when it comes
for other methods one can write: "1 L" for first layer, "2 L" for middle
layer, final face left, whatever…). "Drag and drop" technology would
be handy to update the logs or just sending the final file, and it will
be good way to read of the time of the solve, which will be time of
returning the file to Melinda.

I propose to figure out the details by the excel file:

a)participants b) timezones c) date and exact time d) preferred
communicator e) name of the contest :)

It’s really good idea to give it a try before the contest and give
approximate time of your solve for organization reasons.

After first "Challenge" we can all discuss the form of next contest (no
macros, timers, other cubes) to make it more professional!


Saloon gier - to nas wyroznia!
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