Message #1016

From: djs314djs314 <>
Subject: Goodbye everyone
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2010 02:41:24 -0000

Hi everyone,

I’m writing to let everyone in this wonderful group know
that I will be unsubscribing after I post this message.
You have all been very good friends, the best, and have
always been supportive of me and my work. I thank you for
all of this. I feel that I no longer have anything worthy
to contribute, and need to focus on other things in my
life right now.

Melinda, Roice, Don, and Jay, I am very sorry that I never
kept my promise to further assist with MC4D. I also want
to congratulate Andrey for his incredible contribution with
MC7D, it is truly amazing.

David, this apology is coming many years later than it
should have, but I want you to know that am and have always
been in deep regret and shame for the manner in which I
treated you in our last conversation. I am very sorry,
and you should feel no reason to forgive me after all
these years.

My contributions to this group were minor, and never
completely proven as accurate. My work is collected on
this page, if anyone ever wants to refer to it:

If I ever return to doing research or writing papers on
Rubik-like puzzles, it will be added to this page, but this
is doubtful. As I said, I am no longer involved with
anything related to this group, so I am choosing to leave,
and move on to other things. I apologize if this is
upsetting news (most likely not), but I clearly don’t
belong here anymore (and perhaps never did). Everyone
here has been very supportive and kind, and I can’t thank
you enough. I won’t forget the positive experiences
that I had here, and will in fact cherish them.

Thanks again everyone so very much. I wish you all
the best, and I am sure that you will all continue to
make fascinating discoveries and work together to explore
puzzles never before imagined. You are truly a great
group of people, highly intelligent, and it was an honor
to know each one of you. I wish you nothing but the best
with your passion to investigate, create, and solve
some of the world’s most fascinating puzzles.

All the best,