Message #176

From: thesamer <>
Subject: Re: [MC4D] HyperSPEEDsolving !!!
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2005 09:33:45 +0200

I like the idea. You seem to have thought this out very well. I don’t
know that I would regularly judge such an event but if at least 3 people
commit to being in the competition, then I’ll offer to at least run the
1st one. So who wants to be in the 1st ever 4D cube speed solving contest?


I do! ;)

But first I must do internet on my linux…I hope there will be no problem…

May I suggest some kind of comunictator (IRQ, chat-room, something like that..) to cooridnate the whole competition…

And one more thing…Nummber of macros. Unlimited or let’s say 10 macros?

What about the time of maiking this competition? We are on different continets ;)

What do you think?

Remigiusz Durka