Message #4228

From: Eduard Baumann <>
Subject: MagicTile Eucl KB {6,3} 16 e200
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2019 13:07:58 +0200

Fascination with MagicTile an no end!

MagicTile "Eucl KB {6,3} 16 e200" has a special interest. With 16 colours it is big enough to force parity considerations.
In fact I have done about 5500 moves in 10 days when I detected a parity problem which forced me to restart!

If after scrambling, where all parts move, you put attention only to the color neighbourhoods then you can realise an implicit shift of the whole which impact the parity !

The solution is that you bring each part exactly (absolutely) at his home position!

If scrambling would include view changements then I think the puzzle is almost impossible to solve.

I bring home each type of parts in a certain order and I do strictly no preassembling. This is the reason that I need about 3 times more moves than the very clever Micheal Gottlieb.

The names of the part types of MagicTile Eucl KB {6,3} 16 e200

Bring home order of parts

The parity problem:

Best regars
Ed Baumann