Message #3716

Subject: Hello
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2017 12:16:06 +0000

Hi I’m the 316th solver of the 3*3*3*3. My name is Ben Sanby I’m 19 years old, I live in England and have just finished my first year of uni at the university of Birmingham, I study theoretical physics and applied mathematics. In my spare time I enjoy rowing which I started this year at uni, I also have a small collection of Rubik’s cubes, and a collection of different chess variants. I’m quite adventurous and would like to go traveling in the next few years, in early September I will be climbing Kilimanjaro with a group who have been raising money for meningitis research foundation.
I really enjoyed solving the 4D magic cube, I’ve been wanting to solve it for a while now. I had seen mathologer’s YouTube videos on commutators and the 4D cube and took up the challenge, I made my own macros and then went about solving the cube. I will probably attempt some more higher dimensional puzzles and maybe some of the magic tile puzzles like the Klein bottle.
Thanks for letting me be part of this group