Message #3642

From: Christopher Locke <>
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: Physical 4D puzzle achieved
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:53:08 -0800

I figured out some more possible twists. See my attached images.

The first is a labelling of the 2x2x2x2 cube in MagicCube4D. The -w
face is central, surrounded by the +/- x, y, z faces with +w hidden.
The second shows the axis definitions of the physical cube. The
leftmost 8 cubies those part of the -w face, and the rightmost part of
the +w face.

If we label a simple 90 degree twist by first specifying the face, then
the axis to rotate about (e.g. -w:+z rotates the central -w block around
the +z axis), then we can investigate some twists.

To make the puzzle more 4D, you need to be able to mix up w and (x,y,z)
stickers, and this can only be done using twists that involve only x,y,z
axes. However, if you can figure out how one such twist works, then
reorientations of the physical puzzle (rotate the left/right physical
block any way, while doing the mirror rotation to the other block) can
put it into an orientation to get any twist you desire. Let’s focus on
the +x:+z twist.

This twist moves the frontmost 8 pieces of the physical puzzle to the
left, cyclically (so those on the left are brought all the way to the
right). One 90 degree +x:+z twist of the 4D puzzle involves moving
these physical pieces to the left, while also rotating each cubie 180
degrees. The 180 degree twist is about a diagonal line in the "x-z"
line, as drawn roughly at the bottom of the 2nd figure. The bottom
figure shows the rotation for one of the cubies in the top half. The
cubies in the bottom have the same 180 degree rotation, but mirrored
along the x-y plane that splits top/bottom. This mixes up w-face and
y-face stickers.

All such "difficult" twists I think are accomplished by moving the
respective 8 physical cubies around cyclically, while also doing some
180 degree twist of the individual cubies. I imagine these would be
fairly annoying to do on the physical cube, so it would be worth
investigating if some of those "inversion" moves Melinda showed can be
combined with simpler moves in a commutator/conjugation to give an
equivalent x,y,z twist.

Best regards,