Message #2643

From: Eduard <>
Subject: MagicTile Solving
Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2013 17:29:00 -0000

Solving of MT skew {4,4|3} 9 E 0:1.41:0 —– || 01/31/2013 || 1696
Solving of MT skew {4,4|5} 25 E 0:1.41:0 —– || 02/02/2013 || 4306


The two small brothers (9 and 25) of the PitDeoDom familly. The odds are certainly not smaller than 50% to encounter the parity problem. I encountered it in all my three cases! Do first only the diamond faces and the edges to see the parity. Eventually repair the parity. Then only handle the triangular faces, the central faces and the corners.
My 246th MT solving. Where are the other solvers? Are they writing a book ? ;-)