Message #2575

From: Melinda Green <>
Subject: Re: [MC4D] artist
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2012 13:52:18 -0800

Hey, that’s pretty cool, Ed! Several times when using MT I felt the
image would look great on one of my walls. Maybe Roice could add a
simple "high resolution" option which would use higher resolution
textures and tessellate curved polygons much finer? It would be very
slow to use in that mode but you could just turn it on and off as needed
so speed wouldn’t matter much. And while I’m dreaming up more work for
Roice, there could even be a high-res output command that would output a
PNG, JPG or other image at say twice the screen resolution. Then I might
really print some images, especially in 3D.


On 12/22/2012 3:19 AM, Eduard wrote:
> Hi Roice,
> I put the nice picture of "MT skew 20 v200" on Facebook and an artist is fascinated and wants make a much better rendering if he could have the corresponding vrml file. I think that MagicTile doesn’t allow the export of the actual picture in a vrml file.
> Best regards