Message #2517

From: Eduard <>
Subject: MagicTile Solving, intermediate report
Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2012 09:07:57 -0000

<,11.<br> PNG>

I have started this big and absolutely marvelous MT puzzle. I show an
intermediate position. The tricky thing is that all pieces move in a
scrambling. There are 20 3C corner pieces. Then you have the following
1C pieces: 60 cornerfaces, 60 edgefaces, 60 small faces and 12 central
faces. After 2300 twists only I saw that the cornerfaces are organised
in 6 orbits which they cannot leave. I had do restart my puzzle. Within
an orbit you are normally left with a final swap. This parity problem
can only be solved by a single twist which has to be compensated by a
corner double swap. It is important that the corners are not organised
in orbits. To find the correct home positions for the corners you have
to analyse the 6 cornerface orbits !!!! The orbits are zick zack belts
which can be efficiently characterised by their poles (not appearing in
the belt) which are (in the default coloring): cyan+red, purpe+yellow,
silver+blue, green+maroon, blue+hotPink, white+slateBlue.