Message #1843

From: schuma <>
Subject: Re: State graph of MC2D
Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2011 22:35:17 -0000

— In, "David Vanderschel" <DvdS@…> wrote:
However, this would split node 5 into 2
> subsets depending the direction of the rotation. I.e., I
> see 3-cycle patterns that cannot match up with the canonical
> pattern for state 5 without also mirroring them. If
> 4-cycles with diagonal crossings were admitted, then state 5
> would remain intact. However, the regular conjugacy classes
> would then merge. So I think something is still missing
> from the explanation.

David, you are right. I forgot to include mirroring/reflection last night. Please check my post today for the latest correction and Kociemba’s notation according to Andy’s suggestion. Thanks.
