Message #1305

From: Melinda Green <>
Subject: Re: [MC4D] 5D Pacman v 0.1
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 18:05:05 -0800

It sounds like a great idea but the program doesn’t work for me. :-(

It just opens a window with some controls on the right and blank in the
middle and is completely unresponsive. I figured out that it was
unresponsive because it had created a modal error dialog saying simply
"Error in the application" but that dialog was behind the main window
which couldn’t even be moved out of the way. Once I brought that dialog
to the front and clicked "OK", part of the main screen showed half of a
3D scene in the top half but nothing in the lower part. The buttons and
menu items are now clickable but no inputs seem to do anything to the 3D
portion. What I could understand from the partial view I saw makes me
think that it could be fun, but that’s as much as I could experience.


On 12/28/2010 6:39 AM, Andrey wrote:
> Enjoy:
> Now there is only one stage for each dimension (from 3D to 5D), but stage description is simple enough.
> Couple of hints:
> - pacman tries to go "deep" - in the direction Z closest to the perpendicular to screen.
> - left-click pauses game. During pause you can reorient the field.
> - left-drag rotates 3D space
> - right-drag rotates "color" space (Z-R-G). It’s difficult to use, I use it only when image is too flat.
> - right-click switches bases between XYZ and RGZ. Strange option, but very useful in manipulations.
> Andrey