Message #982

From: Melinda Green <>
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Re: MC7D solved! ;)
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 11:16:51 -0700


There is no 2^4 record just because I didn’t want to create the category
and keep it updated. I also don’t like edge length 2 puzzles because
they are such oddballs and difficult to support in the code.

About color customization, that was one of the features recently added
to MC4D though it’s probably not documented anywhere other than the list
archive. To use it, simply create a file named "facecolors.txt" in the
same directory as your jar file. Add one line of N colors to use for
each puzzle with N faces. Color format can be R,G,B with values from 0
to 255. You can also use the #RRGGBB hex web colors format and even mix
the two.


deustfrr wrote:
> — In, "deustfrr" <deustfrr@…> wrote:
>> Awesome, but I’m not good at using the ultimate "commuters" solution.
>> I could try out the 3X3X3X3, but I’m having trouble with solving the last 3 faces (parity?) Two of the faces are in a 2-cycle, while the rest are solved. Although I did luck out once: lol
>> One question: why is there no 2^4 in the hall of fame?
>> Another question: on MC5D you get to change the colour scheme, on MC4D…lol I like customization
>> — In, Melinda Green <melinda@> wrote:
>>> 12 years old?? Well I certainly encourage you to keep trying because
>>> even if it takes you a year to learn to solve the 3^4, you’ll almost
>>> certainly be the world’s youngest solver. Just study Roice’s solution
>>> and ask questions when you get stuck.
>>> Good luck!
>>> -Melinda
>>> deustfrr wrote:
>>>> Well, At least you solved it. And I’m a 12 year old looking up to you lolz! I know a bit about multidimensional geometry but I can’t solve the 2^4 ! So frustrating! Hope you solve MC7D ;^)!(I can’t use the click function)
>>>> — In, "Andrey" <andreyastrelin@> wrote:
>>>>> Actually it was about 1.5 days - between the moment when I found and fixed a bug in the program (and started 3^5 from the beginning) and complete solving (and recovering another bug - there was no congratulations window) there was about 33 hours. Maybe about 6-8 hours of "work".
>>>>> No, I’m 41 years old. And may be I know a couple of things about the mathematics :)
>>>>> — In, "deustfrr" <deustfrr@> wrote:
>>>>>> about 3 days only?! that’s awesome! I can’t even do a 2X2X2X2!
>>>>>> And are you a teen? ;^)
>>>>>> — In, "Andrey" <andreyastrelin@> wrote:
>>>>>>> Don’t worry, it’s not 3^7 and even not 3^6 - it’s just small and simple 3^5 :D It took about 3 days and less than 5000 twists (twist counter says 4955, but without start/stop macro markup it will be smaller number). I think that I have some ideas how to start 3^7 now :)
>>>>>>> Good luck!
>>>>>>> Andrey
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