Message #698

From: Klaus <>
Subject: Re: 3^4 parity problems
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 10:56:42 -0000

Hi everyone,

I also thought about this but for my system this doesn’t really make sense because it just takes to long to get to a position from where you can decide if this problem/parity occurs (Well it was only 50 turns but to optimize them took me about 3 days). I will however try to find a way to predict it earlier and to work around this awkward situation.

But even if you decided that trial-and-error is unfair, I can’t come up with a way how to deal with that topic. Is it even possible [with the current programme] to supply a cube scrambled by hand without the possibility that someone can derive the fewest-move solution from the log-file?

@ matthewsheerin: I have to solve some 2^3 cubes in my solution, too, and I’m using the Guimond method (if there is any faster method, please tell me). I tried to find some PLL algorithms with the computer, but I don’t think this is cheating, because if you look them up on the internet where some other people have found them by computer, or if you do the work yourself makes no difference. If you, however, compute a fewest move solution for the whole 2^3 or 3^3, I would call this cheating.

btw: has anyone ever made an attempt to prove an upper bound for fewest move solutions on the 3^4?

Have a nice twist,