Message #336

From: Melinda Green <>
Subject: Re: [MC4D] Shortest 2^4 Competition
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 00:36:29 -0700

Sure, that sounds fine though how about we just do it in this forum?
I’ll send the scramble state to the list followed by the updates like
Kirfo described. I won’t promise to do it forever but I’m very happy to
try it out, make adjustments to the process as needed, and see how it goes.

As to the hyperspeedsolving, I still prefer not to do that until there
are at least 3 contestants ready. You already have the unofficial
record. I would prefer to not create an official record until we can
attempt a real competition. I definitely like the idea of doing it via
YIM. Everyone who wants to enter or just watch can send me their YIM
names. I’ll then invite them at the agreed upon time, and then I’ll send
the scramble file at the agreed contest start time. The winner will be
the first one to send a solution. Everyone can chat at the same time to
report or monitor progress or just kibitz. One nice thing is that the
YIM archive records have timestamps so everyone will know exactly how
long it took for each person to solve it.


Remigiusz Durka wrote:
> Dear Melinda,
> Kirfo and I would like to ask you to hold the monthly competition:
> "Shortest 2^4"
> Every first day of new month you could give a scramble log for 2x2x2x2 on the web page and there will be 15 days for sending the solutions.
> (Contestents can send more than one solution during this time (the shortest counts) . After 15th you will give the results (there should be option with downloading logs other people).
> We have at lease 4 contestents from Poland but I’m looking forward for more response from 4D society.
> I hope you will agree.
> 2^4 is not taking so much time so it’s perfect for this competition…
> Ps. I can use internet under Linux (You think you can give me on-line (throgh some comunicator) some scramble for 3^4 and I will return the solution after 40 minutes using comunicator? You will get the first oficial time of hyperspeedsolving ;) (ok…. I will :P)
> (Now I’m reorganising macros and I must try them first but after 3 weeks from now?
> Best regards,
> Remi